Safe Guarding
Prevent &
British Values

What is Prevent?

This is part of the Government’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy (CHANNEL). This strategy aims to reduce the threat of terrorism by preventing people from being drawn in to radicalisation and extremism. Prevent is one part of the CHANNEL strategy.

It is the responsibility of everyone to report concerns in relation to behaviours they suspect may involve radicalisation and extremism linked to the threat of terrorism. How to spot vulnerable people – similar to safeguarding concerns.

Look for learners who are or can be:

Socially isolated or ‘at risk’

Easily led or persuaded

Having a ‘rough’ time in other parts of their life – how might this manifest?

  • Becoming withdrawn.
  • Engaging in inappropriate friendships online and in person.
  • Becoming more outspoken.
  • Sharing extreme views.
  • Showing changes in dress or attitudes.

What to do if you are concerned

Any concerns relating to a learner/apprentice can be reported to the designated safeguarding officer through your training provider. Alternatively, you can report concerns regarding any suspicious activity to the local Prevent officer, this is someone who works with Channel and can follow up on any of your concerns.

The Prevent team operates in the ‘non-criminal space’ aiming to divert individuals from entering the criminal justice system (CJS) by supporting those vulnerable to radicalisation in support of violent extremism. Support by Prevent does not require entry into the CJS nor does it mean the individual will then go on to receive any sort of criminal record.


A list of the Prevent team contacts across our academies

Claire Ensor (Senior Designated Safeguarding Lead) 07483 329 688

If you have a safeguarding concern please contact Alternatively, you can call 01388 777129 and ask to speak to a safeguarding officer.

Promoting British values

Fundamental British values are part of the Prevent strategy. We promote British Values to reflect life in modern Britain.

There are four values outlined in the strategy; Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Respect and Tolerance of all religions/faiths or none. These are promoted as the values of people living in Britain today.

These values are Democracy, Rule of Law, Respect and Tolerance, Individual Liberty.

Fundamental British Values underpin what it is to be a citizen in a modern and diverse Great Britain valuing our community and celebrating diversity of the UK.

Fundamental British Values are not exclusive to being British and are shared by other democratic countries as a way of creating an orderly society, where individual members can feel safe, valued and can contribute for the good of themselves and others.

These will mirror the principles and values of Total People and all the work areas that we support. These will occur throughout your programme and will be promoted by the staff with whom you come into contact.


A culture built upon freedom and equality, where everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities.


  • Leadership and accountability
  • Joint decision making
  • Team meetings
  • The right to protest and petition
  • Receiving and giving feedback

Rule of Law

The need for rules to make a happy, safe and secure environment to live and work.


  • Legislation
  • Agreed ways of working, policies and procedures
  • How the law protects you and others
  • Codes of conduct

Respect and Tolerance

Understanding that we all don’t share the same beliefs and values. Respecting the values, ideas and beliefs of others whilst not imposing our own others.


  • Embracing diversity
  • The importance of religion, traditions, cultural heritage and preferences
  • Stereotyping, labeling and prejudice
  • Tackling discrimination

Individual Liberty

Protection of your rights and the right of others you work with.


  • Equality and Human Rights
  • Personal Development
  • Respect and Dignity
  • Rights, choice, consent and individuality
  • Values and principles
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